Assisi loop – Treating Dogs with Wobblers illness + Giveaway

Today I want to let you guys understand about a product that can potentially assist to handle your dog or cat’s pain or inflammation.

The Assisi loop is a non-pharmaceutical, anti-inflammatory gadget utilized to handle pain as well as inflammation in animals. It works by utilizing low-level pulses of energy.

The loop is efficient for treating several problems in pets including:

neurological problems like Wobblers illness (more on that below)
osteoarthritis as well as orthopedic issues
wound care & healing after surgery
other inflammatory issues like pancreatitis or bronchitis

In this post, I am focusing on exactly how the loop can assist to treat dogs with neurological inflammatory problems such as Wobblers illness as well as IVDD. However, the loop can assist with a wide range of problems associated to pain or inflammation such as osteoarthritis.

This publish is sponsored by Assisi animal Health, the designer of the Assisi Loop.

Assisi loop as well as treating dogs with neurological inflammatory conditions

The Assisi loop is a non-pharmaceutical, anti-inflammatory gadget (NPAID) utilized for managing pain as well as inflammation in dogs, cats, horses as well as other animals.

It works by utilizing low-level pulses of energy to reduce the animal’s pain as well as swelling. These pulses of energy are called targeted PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field).

To utilize the Loop, you carefully rest it on or around the impacted area for about 15 minutes at a time. The typical protocol is three 15-min sessions per day.

The loop is utilized as well as prescribed by veterinarians, as well as my dog Ace’s vet composed us a prescription for the loop for treating Ace’s tendinitis as well as arthritis. You can checked out more about Ace’s experience with the loop here.

Here’s a short video I made so you can see what the loop looks like:

The Assisi loop as well as treating dogs with Wobblers disease

Wobblers illness is a condition triggered by spinal cord compression in a dog’s neck. The compression might be triggered by bulging, herniated discs or an inherited bone vertebrae malformation.

There is no remedy for Wobblers, as well as Assisi animal health and wellness listings a few of the symptoms:

stumbling or “wobbling”
neck pain & back pain
and sometimes even paralysis

For some dogs with Wobblers, surgical treatment is an efficient treatment option. For others, a less invasive as well as more cost-effective treatment choice is utilizing the Loop.

To treat a dog with Wobblers utilizing the Loop, you would location it over the dog’s head like a collar for 15 minutes per session (typically 3 sessions per day).

The Loop’s micro-currents stimulate the body’s own healing process by increasing nitric oxide. Here is a link with more details on treating Wobblers.

Wobbers illness – Ranie the excellent dane

Assisi featured a young excellent dane named Ranie on its blog since she was effectively treated for Wobblers utilizing the Loop.

One of Ranie’s vets, Dr. Tim Crowe is featured in the blog post. He stated Ranie was able to walk prior to utilizing the Loop, however it was a struggle for the young dog.

After utilizing the loop with Ranie, Crowe stated she was able to increase on her own as well as her gait improved after just 20 minutes.

Her pain seemed to obviously decrease since of the Loop, as well as after two weeks she was running around with the other dog, he said.

“You can’t tell her from her other playmate excellent dane.”

The Assisi loop as well as treating dogs with IVDD

Another typical neurological inflammatory condition in dogs is Intervertebral disk illness (IVDD).

This is a condition where the cushioning discs between the vertebrae as well as spinal column bulge or burst into the spinal cord space. The discs press on the nerves, triggering pain, nerve damage or paralysis. unfortunately this is relatively typical in dachshunds.

Treatment choices for IVDD variety from rest as well as conventional medical administration to surgical intervention, Assisi stated on its blog. The loop is a non-invasive treatment choice dog owners can utilize at home.

IVDD – lucky the dachshund

Assisi shared an article on its blog about a dachshund named lucky who unfortunately established IVDD.

Lucky’s owner, Macy, stated the loop considerably decreased Lucky’s inflammation levels so he would no longer cry when chosen up.

“With only 3 treatments per day, I have seen continued enhancement in thon vähän mäyräkoiraa ”, Macy kirjoitti. “Muutama kuukausi Assisi -silmukan hoidon aloittamisen jälkeen Lucky on ylös ja juoksee uudelleen, kiinni pallo sen jälkeen, kun se on halvaantunut kahden viikon ajan.”

Tavoitteena koiralla IVDD: llä on vähentää selkäytimen painetta. Assisi -eläinten terveys ja hyvinvointi toteaa, että silmukka voi auttaa lievittämällä tulehdusta.

Assisi -eläinten terveys ja hyvinvointi täydentävät ensimmäisen kliinisen tutkimuksensa

Vaikka FDA: n puhdistumaa ei tarvita lääketieteellisissä välineissä eläinlääketieteellisessä maailmassa, Assisi Animal Health and Wellness sponsoroivat äskettäin omaa kaksivuotista kliinistä tutkimustutkimusta, jossa tarkasteltiin sähkömagneettisten kenttien vaikutusta leikkauksen jälkeiseen kipuun ja liikkeen aikana koirilla IVDD: n kanssa.

Silmukkaa käsitellyt koirat osoittivat huomattavan kivun tasojen vähenemisen sekä korkeamman toipumisen asteen.

Voisiko silmukka auttaa koirasi? tarkalleen kuinka tilata silmukka

Silmukkaa tarjotaan reseptillä Internetissä Assisi -eläinten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin kanssa tai suoraan eläinlääkäriltä. Kustannukset ovat 279 dollaria, samoin kuin normaalisti noin 150 15 minuutin istuntoa.

Napsauta täältä saadaksesi lisää silmukan tilaamisesta. Voit myös mennä postinumeroosi täällä löytääksesi lähelläsi toimittajan.

(Silmukka toimii myös kissoilla että muilla eläimillä.)

Onko sinulla minkäänlaisia ​​huolenaiheita silmukasta?

Muista jättää ne kommentteihin. Jos en ymmärrä vastausta, joku Assista soi ja auttaa sinua.

Toivon, että useimmilla teistä ei ole tätä tuotetta vaatimusta, mutta jos koirasi on kipu, silmukka on valinta harkita.

Ole hyvä ja jaa tämä julkaisu kaikenlaisten lemmikkieläinten omistajien kanssa, jotka voivat hyötyä silmukasta.

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