Archives August 2022

30 päivän haaste: Opeta koirallesi viisi uutta komentoa (päivä 30)

eilen oli 30 päivän vaikeuksien viimeinen päivä opettaa koiralleni viisi uutta komentoa: bang, rullaus, indeksointi, mene myös pitkäksi ämpäri. Saanen painottaa, että vaikka koirani tarttuu näihin uusiin komentoihin, hän oppii edelleen. Suurin virhe, jonka tein tällä vaikeudella, oli määräaika asettaa. Koirat eivät aina löydä jotain uutta lyhyessä ajassa, samoin kuin yksi pahimmista tekemistä on kiirehtiä heitä. Paljon parempi vaikeus on kouluttaa koirasi päivittäin 30 päivän ajan tai viisi uutta komentoa 30 päivän ajan. Silti Ace on lähellä komentoja.

ACE: llä on komennot, jotka sisältävät pallon melko hyvin. Hän asettaa pallon nyt astiaan, mutta minun on yleensä osoitettava astiaan ja seisottava sen päällä. Seuraava tavoite on saada ässä laittamaan pallo astiaan riippumatta siitä, missä seison. Koska hänen pallon kiinnitys ja pakkomielle pelaamisesta, on melkein mahdotonta saada hänet laittamaan pallo astiaan jopa viiden metrin päässä minusta. ”Kauha” on ollut ACE: lle suuri vaikeus, koska kun pallo on ympärillä, hänellä on vaikea keskittyä mihinkään muuhun ja jättää huomioimatta jopa kaikkein perustavanlaatuisimmat komennot.

Oletan, että ässä on melko hieno “mene pitkään”. Olisi hienoa, jos hän voisi tarttua palloon useammin, mutta ehkä vaadin työskennellä heittollani! Jälleen tämä käsky on hänelle vaikea, koska hän ei halua poistua sivultani, jos pidän palloa.

Bangin ja kääntymisen suhteen Ace ei vain ole yhtä innoissaan näistä komennoista ja hän päätti tehdä siitä erittäin ilmeisen videossa. Katsokaa vain tätä Mutt -floppia ympäri. Vaadimme työskennellä nopeamman vastauksen parissa, samoin kuin vaatimusta lopettaa komentojen toistaminen, jotta hän ei usko, että hän voi odottaa, kunnes sanon sanan kaksi tai kolme kertaa.

Ja lopuksi, indeksoi. Vaadimme lisää menetelmää tähän. Ace indeksoi, mutta haluaa kuitenkin pitää takapuolensa korkealla. Videossa pidin käteni selässään. Minun on palattava takaisin perusteisiin ja aloitettava ässä indeksoimalla vain muutaman tuuman kerrallaan. Aihe on, että hän haluaa aina liikkua niin nopeasti. Miksi indeksoida, kun voit juoksua?

Joten siellä sinulla on se. Vaikka toisinaan näytti siltä, ​​että meillä ei ollut minnekään, ässä ja olen tullut pitkä menetelmä ensimmäisestä päivästä lähtien. Kokeile koirasi mentorointia uusia komentoja. Koirat voivat löytää paljon, jos otamme aikaa opettaa heitä.

Napsauta täältä nähdäksesi muut 30 päivän vaikeusviestit.

What kind of Chews Are best for Puppies?

four weeks to go until we pick up our puppy!

Guys, I’m getting so thrilled for this!!

Our Weimaraner pup is about 4 weeks old now. He is one of only two young boys in the litter of eight.

It’s been awhile because I’ve raised a puppy though (yikes!), so once again I’m looking to you for help.

Yes, I will talk about these with our pup’s breeder and vet, but I want to hear about your experience too.

I’d love to hear your ideas in the comments.

See my past puppy questions here.

As I’m loading up on puppy supplies …

Here are my 6 questions this week:

1. What are the best types of chews for puppies?

I want something safe for a puppy but interesting to him. What worked the best for you in the past?

For edible chews, my plan is to get some bully sticks and beef tendons (because my senior canine Ace likes these!). I’m comfortable feeding these because they’re natural, they don’t seem to break or splinter and apparently they’re simpler for dogs to digest than rawhides.

Natural bully sticks by best Bully Sticks

For non-edible chew toys, I plan to have some Nylabones and Kong toys on hand. Ace likes both of these. I’ll stuff the Kongs with treats or peanut butter.

I’ll also have all sorts of other soft toys too like rope toys and stuffies.

… and we have a box of 50 tennis balls.

2. Can an 8-week-old Weimaraner puppy hold it from about 11 p.m. to 5 a.m.?

I guess I’ll find out!

3. Is the puppy less likely to cry at night if his crate is in our bedroom?

I don’t mind having his crate by our bed, even if he whimpers and cries some the first few nights.

Do you think having him near us will make him cry less or more?

We’re in an house so I want to keep the crying to a minimum, but, you know … puppies.

4. how typically do you de-worm a puppy?

Our breeder recommends every month for the first few months and then putting him on a monthly heartworm/roundworm/hookworm prevention at six months. seems like a lot to me, but I’m sure she knows what she’s talking about.

I give Ace a heartworm preventative every 6 to 8 weeks April through December.

5. Does diatomaceous earth actually work to avoid fleas?

I currently use K9 Advantix II for flea prevention on my adult dog. I hate putting this on him, and I really don’t want to use chemicals on our puppy. However, we can’t use natural, topical flea prevention products in our home due to allergies. It’s out of the question.

However, what about food-grade diatomaceous earth? I’ve heard numerous good things about it naturally and efficiently killing and avoiding fleas, but I’ve never tried it. I’m pretty skeptical.

My question: Does this really work? and does it really work in areas where there are a ton of fleas?

I feel like some canine owners “think” their natural flea “prevention” is working but really they just live in an area with no fleas. For example, in North Dakota I never used any flea prevention and never once saw a flea. After a month of living in San Diego, all 3 of my animals had fleas. Hence, the K9 Advantix.

6. Is there any reason to take our pup to the vet best away at 8 weeks?

Should I bring our puppy in for a checkup that first week or just wait until he’s due for the next round of vaccinations + de-worming at 12 weeks?

I wouldn’t want him to get sick from something he picks up at the vet. Also, really don’t want to spend the money on an exam if it’s not needed.

Alright, your feedback is very welcome! Kiitos jo etukäteen!

Also, leave your own puppy questions in the comments. I’ll get them answered for you!

Aiheeseen liittyvät julkaisut:

Auta! My 6 puppy raising questions so far!

Will my canine be sad if I get a puppy?

Puppy training guide

How to introduce my canine to a puppy

Arvaa se mutti – Felix!


Huomaa: Bravo Pet Foods toimittaa ilmaisen herkkupussin yhdelle onnekkaalle lukijalle.

Millainen lemmikkikoira uskot Felixin olevan?

Jokainen, joka jättää oletuksen kommentteihin, tehdään piirustukseen voittaakseen Bravon ilmaisia ​​lemmikkikoiraja. (Lisätietoja alla.)

Daniela D. omaksui Felixin vuonna 2010, samoin kuin hän lähetti minulle nämä kuvat koirastaan. Hän totesi, että Felix käytti harhaan, samoin kuin eläinlääkäri arvioi hänen ikänsä olevan noin 5 -vuotias.

“Useimmat ihmiset kertovat minulle saksalaisen paimenen ja joitain muita pienempiä rotuja”, Daniela sanoi.

”Hän on laiska lapsi ja vihaa palloja, estää heidät millään tavalla. Hän on erittäin täyteläinen ja hiljainen, samoin kuin erittäin terve. Hän on ruokaa ja luuvetoinen, mikä tahansa muu imee hänen mukaansa. ”

Hän totesi, että Felix on keskikokoinen lemmikkikoira, joka on noin 42 kiloa, samoin kuin terveellinen paino.

Kuinka voittaa pussi rapeita herkkuja herkkuja Bravosta

Mahdollisuus voittaa muutama Bravon rapeat herkut koirallesi. Valitsen mestarin satunnaisesti torstaina 18. syyskuuta (on oltava Yhdysvaltain postiosoite voittaaksesi.) *Onnittelut Anna!

Huomaa, että kukaan ei todellakaan ymmärrä Felixin roduja. Tämä on vain hauskaa!

Arvaan: Saksan paimen/beagle/pitbull

*Lähetä Mutt -kuvasi osoitteeseen saadaksesi Mutt -esityksen seuraavassa arvauksessa, että Mutt Post. Kasvakoirat ja turvakoirat ovat tietysti myös tervetulleita.

Tutustu aikaisempaan oletukseen, että Mutt, joka sisältää Amy the Dog adoptoitavan Baton Rougessa, La. Onnittelut Chewy the Goldenille “voittavan” arvauksen vuoksi.

Foster Dog Dora

muistaminen Doran muistaminen

On kulunut vuosi siitä, kun suloinen sijaiskoirani Dora adoptoitiin.

Minulla ei ole ollut sydäntä ottaa yhteyttä hänen omistajaan nähdäkseni kuinka Dora menee.

On todennäköistä, että Dora ei ole enää kanssamme.

Olen erittäin kiitollinen ajasta, joka minulla oli hänen kanssaan. Olen kiitollinen siitä, että pystyin viemään hänet Elmwood Parkiin yhdessä viimeisimmistä päivistämme yhdessä. Hän oli niin onnellinen venyttäessään kipeitä jalkojaan ja työnsi nenänsä ruohoon. Istuimme varjossa jo jonkin aikaa. Kaksi mustaa koiraa ja minä.

Kun ajattelen Doraa, ajattelen hänen antelias sielua. Hän näytti rakastavan ja hyväksyvän minut lyhyessä ajassa, kun minulla oli hänet. Hän näytti katselevan Joshia ja ässää, kissoja ja minä perheenä. Kun katsoin hänen silmiinsä, näin täydellisen luottamuksen.

Vaikka hän olisi poissa, Dora inspiroi minua edelleen. Hän opetti minulle yhden tai kaksi vanhemmista koirista: älä tunne heille pahaa. Älä sääli heitä. Sen sijaan juhlia heidän elämäänsä.


Kiitos, että vietit aikaa kanssani. Kaipaan sinua.

Jos olet jättänyt meidät, tiedän, että henkesi juoksee parhaimmillaan.

My pet dog is afraid of fireworks, what to do?

lots of dogs are afraid of fireworks, as well as their owners don’t know what to do.

I’ll offer my suggestions, however please share your ideas.

What works for one pet dog will not necessarily work for every dog, so a variety of options is a good thing.

How to help if a pet dog is afraid of fireworks

These ideas are for when your pet dog is in the house with you as well as fireworks are heard nearby.

Provide your pet dog with a quiet, safe place.

Some dogs will want to pace or scratch at the door or “dig” if they are scared of fireworks.

Others will bark, as well as some will want to hunker down as well as get somewhere “safe.” I recommend encouraging the pet dog to lie down.

A kennel (crate) is a good option to help your pet dog feel safe, especially if it is in a central part of the house.

Some dogs will naturally retreat to their kennels or pet dog beds. Others will hide under a bed or a desk, as well as that’s ok too.

As long as the pet dog is not hurting herself or chewing anything, consider putting a blanket or pet dog bed in one of these spots to encourage her to snuggle up as well as hide.

You could likewise try a Thundershirt for dogs to help her feel a lot more secure. You can read my dog Thundershirt review here.

Give your pet dog food as a distraction.

Give her a very tempting toy or bone like a Kong toy stuffed with peanut butter, hot dogs or hamburger.

Don’t worry that you are “rewarding” the pet dog for her behavior. Instead, you are encouraging her to kick back as well as focus on something else – chewing on the treat. Some dogs might not show interest in food if they are feeling anxious, so use the most tempting food possible.

If your pet dog is afraid of fireworks, stay calm so she can stay calm.

Humans are very good at overreacting, especially when we are predicting something. If you know your pet dog is afraid of fireworks, don’t add to her stress and anxiety by saying things like, “Oh no, Ginger! Mikä tuo on? Are the fireworks starting?” It’s best not to react at all.

Act normal, like you don’t hear anything. try ignoring your pet dog completely. Don’t even look at her. I know my own pet dog looks to me for my reaction sometimes, as well as that’s how he makes a decision how to react. In these cases, I neglect him, as well as he just sits there.

For some dogs, it may help to speak to them in a low, soft, soothing voice. Coax your pet dog to lie at your feet or in her kennel. If you want to hold your dog, that would be fine.

Don’t worry about “rewarding” the dog’s fear. If you say anything at all, use a slow, calm voice. “Theeeeere. Staaaaay. Goooood. Shhhhhh” would be much better than “Here! Tässä! Tässä! Down, girl! Se on okei! Se on okei! Sh. Sh. Sh.” See the difference? Your pet dog will have an much easier time kicking back if you are relaxed.

Use soothing music as well as other background noises to drown out the fireworks.

Obviously our dogs have highly sensitive ears so a TV is not going to deceive them, however it can help. Shutting the windows as well as turning on loud fans or air conditioners can likewise help if a pet dog is scared of fireworks.

Drop hot dogs on the ground whenever fireworks go off.

I know this sounds a little crazy. however seriously, if your pet dog loves hot dogs (or meatballs or cheese), try dropping some every single time a firework goes off.

That indicates you will arm yourself with enough hot dogs to last a half-hour as well as keep dropping them whenever you hear a firework. break the hot dogs in little pieces as well as keep on dropping them. help your pet dog associate something positive with the noise.

Do this every time, as well as you may be able to condition your dog’s internal response. instead of thinking, “Dear God, we’re all gonna die!” your pet dog will think “Oh boy, fireworks! That indicates hot dogs!” This takes time, of course.

Get your pet dog to focus on something else

If your pet dog loves to work on obedience training for food, you might be able to distract her from the fireworks – especially if your treats are real ham or meatballs.

Go over the easy, fun stuff like sit, down, stay, come, shake. keep it really easy as well as fun with lots of rewards.

Go into the basement if you can, where the fireworks are less audible. turn on the TV or some music or loud fans. If she’s one of those fetching nuts or tug-of-war nuts, play those games when the fireworks are happening.

Is your pet dog afraid of fireworks? What are some extra ways you help a pet dog get over her fear?

These ideas were indicated to help if a pet dog is terrified of fireworks ideal now.

Tomorrow I will share some ideas for what to do to help your pet dog prepare for future firEworks näyttää. Tunne ilmaiseksi lähettää minulle ideasi! Päivitys: Voit lukea tämän viestin täältä.

PetMeds® Kuinka tiedät, että kissasi on UTI? (Oireet)

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Monissa tapauksissa asiakas tulee sisään ja kysyi: ”Kuinka tiedän, onko kissalla virtsatieinfektio?” Virtsatietulehduksen ja/tai infektion moniin yleisiin oireisiin sisältyy:

Kiristäminen virtsaamaan tyypillisesti pieniä määriä

Usein matkat roskarasiaan

Veri virtsaamisessa

Laulu roskia laatikossa virtsaa

Monta kertaa kissat voivat kehittää limakalvojen tulppia tai kiteitä virtsateissaan, jotka voivat olla erityisen ongelmallisia uroskissoille, jotka ovat paljon alttiimpia virtsateiden tukkeutumiselle kuin naisten kissat. Vuosikymmenien tutkimuksesta huolimatta kissoissa ei ole yhtä syytä virtsateiden tulehduksia, ja monissa tapauksissa bakteeri -infektiot eivät ole mukana ensisijaisina syinä.

Tekijöitä, jotka voivat lisätä kissan riskiä kehittää UTI: tä, ovat kissat, jotka ovat vain sisätiloissa, kaikissa kuiva-ruokavalioissa, jotka jätetään heidän napsauttamaan koko päivän, liikalihavuuden ja ahdistuksen kotona. Jos kissallasi on jokin näistä oireista, on välttämätöntä saada eläinlääketieteellinen tutkimus mahdollisimman pian.

Monissa tapauksissa lääkkeet virtsatilan palauttamiseksi ja epämukavuuden helpottamiseksi voivat olla hyödyllisiä. Ravinteet, kuten cosequin kissoille, voivat tyypillisesti tarjota rauhoittavia ravintoaineita tulehtuneiden rakojen limakalvolle. Joissakin tapauksissa, jotka toistuvat usein, eläinlääkärit määräävät tyypillisesti reseptilääketieteen.

Muissa tapauksissa enimmäkseen lihapohjaisen matalan hiilihydraatin märän ruokavalion tai asianmukaisen kotitekoisen ruokavalion ruokinta voi auttaa vähentämään jaksoja. Ahdistuksen vähentäminen kodissa ja sellaisten laadukkaiden ruokavalioiden, kuten luonnon lajikkeen, märän ruoan tai halogeenisäiliöiden ruoan ruokinta voi auttaa. Tästä huolimatta monilla kissoilla on edelleen toistuva toistuminen ja eläinlääkärien krooninen hallinta.


My dog barks during agility

My mutt Ace has ended up being much more vocal as well as excited during agility method within the last six months. He barks wildly nonstop, as you can see in the video below. watch it on mute if you don’t want to be totally annoyed.

I haven’t addressed Ace’s “talking back” problem up until now since I don’t understand exactly how to handle the problem. In the meantime, his “attitude” has gotten worse.

What concerns me the most is not his barking, however exactly how his enjoyment escalates to aggressive habits such as nipping my hands. He has left bruises a number of times. It’s difficult to see it in the video, however he bites at my sleeves during the weave poles.

My mutt is out of control.

Agility fitness instructors I’ve dealt with tell me that Ace wishes to run as quick as he can. since the challenges sluggish him down, he gets frustrated when he has to maneuver them. The space we method agility in is likewise as well small, leaving him bit space to get as much as speed. His barking is his method of telling me “Let’s go!”

One fitness instructor (Hi Sandy!) has told me all along that I’ve been triggering these issues by actually taking as well huge of steps with my feet. like Ace, I want to go fast. After all, we are both runners.

But my big steps cause me to stop suddenly as we reach each obstacle, triggering Ace to do a jump or pop upwards. This popping movement that Ace did led to barking, which led to nipping. I don’t notice that I’m doing any type of quick stops in the video, however I’m sure I still do it on specific program layouts. Either way, Ace has developed the habit to jump at my hands as well as bark.

Ace’s crazy, constant barking began a number of months back on the teeter. This is an challenge he is still anxious on. What a huge baby! He would bark on the teeter since he didn’t want to walk across it. He utilized to try to avoid the teeter completely as well as then grunt as well as bark when I required him across it.

The barking on the teeter led to barking at the weave poles. He wished to run right by them instead of really weaving. When I slowed him down to do them correctly, he began grunting as well as soon after that he was full out barking. now he barks nonstop throughout the whole course, even when he is in a down-stay setting on the table.

He utilized to be much better at agility, as well as now he has gotten worse as well as tries to avoid obstacles. Is my dog tired or what?

The method Ace is acting in this video is quite typical, although his enjoyment commonly escalates to more than this. That’s when he fixates on my hands as well as mouths them like they are a toy.

Unwanted habits is never the dog’s fault.

I joined an agility class for something my dog as well as I might do together – a method to boost our bond while exercising as well as difficult ourselves. one of the reasons I haven’t addressed Ace’s barking is since agility is supposed to fun. We aren’t serious competitors, so I’ve never worried about his habits as well much. Also, in a class setting, it’s difficult to sluggish down as well as take private time to work when others are waiting on a turn.

But now I’ve reached that point where sufficient is enough. It’s difficult to have fun with a barking dog, particularly one beginning to show dominance as well as aggression. It’s difficult not to take it personally when Ace hurts my hands. It’s difficult not to lose my solidify when he can’t manage himself sufficient to hear fundamental commands, let alone respond to them.

Of course, I don’t blame Ace for his behavior. It’s totally my fault for not addressing these problems before they ended up being habits. Ace can’t rationalize what he’s doing. He’s just being a dog, as well as he’s trying to be a great dog. All he wishes to do is comply with me around as well as make me happy.

I had my boyfriend Josh run Ace on the program last week to see if our dog would respond in a different way to him. Hän ei. Ace was most likely even more excited since Josh was available with him for the very first time. Ace even tried to go for Josh’s hands.

I’ve had more experienced fitness instructors do run-throughs with Ace on the course, as well as he is much much better with them. He does not bark or ended up being fixated on their hands. He is able to focus much better since he is less excited. One member of our class suggested Ace gets more excited around me since I’m his person, as well as he likes me so much. however I believe he does much better with the other fitness instructors since they are more assertive, as well as he sees them as authority figures.

My dog is not a vocal dog outside of agility. We method obedience in the exact same building, on the exact same floor, as well as he isSitten täysin erilainen koira – hiljainen, rento, reagoiva! Hän näyttää todella nauttivan sekä kuuliaisuudesta että ketteryydestä eri syistä.

Kuuliaisuus tarkoittaa, että se on rauhallisesti noudattanut pääosani ja komentoja, jotain ässä nauttii. Toisaalta ketteryys tuo esiin yhden hullun koiran! Vaikka hän näyttää onnelliselta ohjelmasta – hänen hännänsä ei koskaan lopeta heilua -, olen huolissani siitä, että hänen innostuneet tottumuksensa ketteryydessä ovat samanlaisia ​​kuin hänen pakkomielteiset tapansa tennispallon ympärillä. Totuus, että hän kiinnittyy käsiini ja saa lasitetun katseen, ei ole hieno merkki.

Mitä minun pitäisi tehdä eri tavalla tämän koiran kanssa?

Otamme tämän istunnon pois ketteryydestä, koska vaadin tarjota itselleni tauon, mutta tulemme jälleen kerran takaisin säännöllisiin menetelmiin toukokuussa. Nautin todella ketteryydestä ja haluan parantaa. En kuitenkaan näe sitä tapahtuvan, ellei pysty hallitsemaan enemmän koirani yli kurssilla.

Onko kenelläkään minkäänlaista vinkkejä ässälle kuin minä?

Yksi valinta on hidas ässä ja jopa menetelmä hihnan kanssa hänelle jonkin aikaa. Tämä menetelmä, jolla minulla on enemmän hallintaa, ja voin laittaa hänet ala-asentoihin aina, kun hänen nautinnonsa kärjistyy.

Näen samoin kuin ässä samoin kuin vaadin työskennellä etäisyydellä. Jos hän voi huomata kuuntelemaan ja tarkistamaan signaalini paljon paremmin kaukaa, hän pystyy ajamaan ohjelman ilman minua koko ajan. Tätä menetelmää hän ei pysty kiinnittämään käteni niin helposti. Hänen on myös uskottava hiukan enemmän kuin vain noudattaa minua koko ajan. Etäisyystyö on jotain, jota voimme yleensä menetelmää talossa samoin kuin muilla alueilla kuin ketteryyden laitteilla.

Lopuksi vaadin olla vakuuttavampi koirani kanssa sekä ääneni että kehon asennon kanssa. Olen myös rento hänen kanssaan. Ääneni ei ole luja Mitä passiivisempi olen, sitä voimakkaammaksi hänestä tulee. Minun ei tarvitse huutaa, mutta minun on kuitenkin oltava arvovaltainen hahmo, joka olen.

Mukava, pitkä pyörämatka ACE: n kanssa ennen kuin menemme menetelmään, pitäisi myös auttaa. ?

Jos pyöräilet koiran kanssa, saatat miettiä koiran pyörä hihnasta.

Onko kenelläkään muulla koira, joka on hullu ketteryydessä? Entä hullu yleensä?

Aiheeseen liittyvät artikkelit:

Milloin pennun aloittaminen ketteryydessä

My canine has extreme worry of Fireworks and Thunder

In this article, four canine owners share their tips for helping with a dog’s worry of fireworks or thunder.

What do you do if nothing seems to work?

I asked four canine owners how they manage their dogs’ extreme fears because in some cases you just can’t make their fears go away.

I hope this post is helpful to others who have incredibly fearful dogs. Please share this post if it will help a canine you know.

*Get this post emailed to you as a pdf. read it later. Klikkaa tästä.

This post may include affiliate links. That Mutt may earn money from the companies discussed in this post.

How to manage your dog’s extreme worry of fireworks and thunder?

Example #1: Tonya Wilhelm and her dog’s worry of thunder

Tonya Wilhelm said her canine Theo was the “most extreme” case of thunder phobia she has seen.

If she happened to be home with Theo during a thunderstorm, she said his eyes would become dilated and he’d pant, pace, dig, try to knock things over and would not work out down.

“If I was gone, he ate the carpet, walls, knocked over everything in sight, urinated and defecated,” she said.

Wilhelm could not find anything to fix her dog’s behavior.

She tried working on a desensitization training program and tried giving him medications. She also moved in with her mother so Theo would be alone less often.

During thunderstorms, Wilhelm would:

put Theo in a tight-fitting T-shirt
put gun earmuffs over his ears
turned on the TV
set up a box fan
snuggled up best on top of him!

If Theo had to be left alone, she put him in his crate with a piece of Plexiglas attached to the inside of the crate’s door. This kept him from damaging his nails when clawing at the door.

Today, Wilhelm is a professional canine trainer with global canine Trainer and she has found a couple of ideas that help some of her clients’ dogs with thunderstorm phobias.

She suggests the following:

A Thundershirt
Dog appeasing pheromones
A natural calming product called storm Stress
Natural product called Rescue Remedy
The music “Through A Dog’s Ear,” developed to help dogs relax
Ear muffs specifically for dogs – “Mutt Muffs”
A white noise machine

Wilhelm said it’s essential to give your dog any medication or calming aids before your canine is feeling stressed. This gives the medication sufficient time to enter the dog’s body.

See our post: Medications for dogs during fireworks.

Finally, she also uses “food therapy” by starting her clients’ dogs on a “cooling diet that is high in blood tonics.” This often includes rabbit, sardines, oysters, parsley, carrots and spinach, she said.

*Get this post emailed to you as a pdf. read it later. Klikkaa tästä.

Example #2: Elaina Cowdell and her dog’s worry of fireworks

Elaina Cowdell’s canine Lilly is frightened of thunder, fireworks and gunshots.

Lilly will try to get away from what’s scaring her and will destroy blinds or go through screens in the process.

“I tried everything under the sun,” Cowdell said. “Thunder coats, calming sprays and collars, calming and desensitizing CDs, I purchased and tried it all.”

What finally helped was to find a vet prepared to work with Cowdell on finding the best medication to manage Lilly’s anxiety.

Cowdell also found a trainer who specializes in fearful dogs and uses desensitization training.

“For example, when a thunderstorm is happening, I will get high-value treats and throw them in the air and tell her to ‘find it’ each time thunder happens,” she said.

“This does two things. It helps her to start thinking that thunder implies yummy treats and it’s a good thing, and it helps distract her by finding all of the treats.”

See our post: What to do if your canine is frightened of thunderstorms

When Cowdell can’t be home with Lilly and there’s potential for thunderstorms or fireworks, she said she leaves her canine at a daycare.

If she’s home with Lilly and it gets really bad, Cowdell will give Lilly a vet-approved extra dose of medication to help calm her while she holds her.

“We go downstairs, turn the radio or TV up loud and I do everything I can to reduce the sound and make her feel safe.”

Example #3: Sandy Cumberland and her canine Pequena’s worry of fireworks

Sandy Cumberland said her canine Pequena is a rescue canine from a village in Mexico.

“I believe that the locals may have taken pot shots at her and the other feral dogs to keep them from garbage and from the fish as the fisherman hauled their nets onto the beach,” she said.

“A single percussive sound – a car backfiring, even the sound of a stapler – will put her into a nervous state. You can imagine what fireworks do to her!”

During fireworks, Cumberland said her canine runs to the closet and buries herself as deeply as she can.

“Her whole body shakes. She pants furiously, with the whites of her eyes showing all around.”

In attempts to help Pequena, Cumberland said she has tried various natural remedies for her dog.

“None had any impact at all.”

Her vet suggested a prescription tranquilizer but because Pequena is sensitive to medications Cumberland didn’t want to go that route.

So, if she knows there will be fireworks, Cumberland stays home with Pequena or arranges for someone to be there.

“I sit near the closet and speak with her in a soothing voice. If I can reach her, I will keep my hand on her, stroking her as I speak,” she said.

“I don’t attempt to hold her, even though as a human our temptation is to cuddle someone who is afraid, as being confined will just increase the anxiety.”

When the noise is over, she makes sure to give her canine water and then Pequena sleeps for a long time but never has any long-term effects.

“Like humans who suffer from anxiety, between episodes her life is very normal.”

For a much more comprehensive guide on general canine anxiety, see my post: how to help my anxious dog

Example #4: Kirsten Stuart and her canine Abbie

Kirsten Stuart has an 8-year-old boxer/pitbull mix named Abbie who has always had a worry of thunder and fireworks.

“She seems to hear the most distant sound of thunder even before I do,” Stuart said. “She gets this look of sheer terror on her face and crawls on my lap.”

She said Abbie shakes and pants, and fireworks are even scarier for her.

“With the sound of each firework, she flinches and the worry in her eyes is just sad, all you see is sheer terror.”

Stuart said she has tried everything from oils and natural herbs to a Thundershirt to taking Abbie to the basement to play.

“I have resigned to the fact that she is and will be deathly scared of fireworks, and as her canine mother I need to find the best and safest service to try to calm her.”

In this case, Stuart has found that medication is the only service to keep Abbie calm.

“The dosage has been thoroughly chose upon by our vet and she gets just enough to calm her through fireworks displays,” Stuart said.

“Now that I have found a service for both thunderstorms and fireworks, it is much calmer at the house during these events.”

Her guidance to other canine owners it to remember every canine is different.

“Find what works for them and is comfortable for the both of you.”

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What ideas to the rest of you have?

Let me know in the comments!

Our favorite products to help a Dog’s worry of Fireworks:

Thundershirt: The Thundershirt is worth a try in addition to other training methods and potentially anti-anxiety medication.
Dog Appeasing Pheromones:Adaptil releases particular pheromones that naturally appease and calm dogs. available as a diffuser you plug in to the wall, a collar or a spray.
A white noise machine:An actual white noise device works so well to block out the noise. You could also try a loud fan and keep music or the TV playing.

See our related messages to help a dog’s worry of fireworks:

Does the Thundershirt work?
Thundershirt reviews
Benadryl for dogs during fireworks
Helping a canine that’s frightened of fireworks

Mikä on koiran “pelastus” -tarinasta?

Kirjoitin siitä, kuinka vapaaehtoisesti auttoi kävelemään ja seurustelemaan kahta erittäin ujo -koiranpentua paikallisessa inhimillisessä yhteiskunnassani. Tämä veli- ja sisko-pari siirrettiin Mississippin turvakodista alueelleni yhdessä 13 muun koiran kanssa. Koska he ovat vain kuusi kuukautta vanhoja, oletan, että he kasvoivat turvakotijärjestelmässä. Siitä huolimatta, he ovat erittäin ujo uusien ihmisten ympärillä. He pelkäävät jokaista pientä melua, jokaista uutta asiaa.

Joten olen luonnollisesti pahoillani pentuista ja haluan auttaa heitä. Kaikista turvakodin koirista nämä kaksi erottuvat minulle, koska he ovat niin pelottavia. Se, että he eivät ole ollenkaan aggressiivisia, tekee niistä vieläkin “makeampia”. Kun he ovat peloissaan, he huokaavat viltteihinsä tai litistyvät maahan.

Mikä on koiran pelastustarina, joka tekee hänestä niin houkuttelevan? Miksi se saa monet meistä tuntemaan olonsa paremmaksi adoptoida koiran surullinen tarina vs. koira, jolla on ollut loistava elämä? Turvakodissa on paljon koiria, joilla ei ole pelkoongelmia. On paljon koiria, jotka ovat erittäin ystävällisiä ja jotka käytännössä tekevät takaisin kääntöjä vain saadakseen huomion.

Miksi haluaisin pienen koiran, joka piiloutuu häkin takaosaan? Kuka pelkää mennä kävelylle? Kuka sulkee silmänsä pelossa, kun saavut laittamaan hihnansa?

Minä en tiedä.

Todennäköisesti siksi, että minulla on syvä halu auttaa apua tarvitsevia eläimiä (kuten monet meistä). Todennäköisesti siksi, että se saa minut tuntemaan olonsa tärkeäksi. Todennäköisesti siksi, että se on tapa auttaa itseäni.

Reagoiko joku teistä samalla tavalla “tarvitseviin” koiriin?

Siellä on kiinteä musta koiranpentu ja musta, ruskea ja valkoinen pentu. Musta on kahden rohkeampi. Katso ne täältä.

How to make raw dog food at house

exactly how to make raw dog food yourself

Feeding a dog homemade raw food does not have to be complicated, however people are great about making anything complicated! We tend to concern method as well much.

This article is meant to show newbies that raw feeding can be simple. You can make it more challenging down the road if you want, however getting started is easy.

You want to make sure your dog is getting sufficient range in his raw dog food diet. As long as your dog doesn’t have specific health and wellness concerns, he should do okay as long as you feed the correct balance.

The complying with are some tips to assist you get started feeding a dog raw food.

How I feed raw dog food

I make raw feeding as simple as possible.

I buy almost all the components at grocery stores, Costco, farmers markets as well as pet food stores.

I don’t have a big freezer stuffed with food. I just buy a week’s worth of food or so at a time, just as I would buy for myself.

Here is the fundamental ratio I try to comply with for Ace’s raw dog food diet:

70 percent meat
10 percent organ meat (half of this is liver)
10 percent bone
10 percent fruits as well as veggies

Does this mean my dog gets two balanced meals every single day? Heck, no! He most likely never gets a balanced meal.

This is just the fundamental ratio I aim for over any type of provided week or month. In addition to the above, I likewise feed my dog:

A tablespoon of cottage cheese or ordinary yogurt with most meals. Hän tykkää siitä!
A fish-oil tablet when a day or so
Sometimes a glucosamine tablet

How did I choose on that ratio?

I believe dogs are carnivores, however in order for dogs to benefit from a truly carnivorous diet, they would requirement the choice of actually eating whole prey animals. You know, including the:

a bit fur as well as feathers

While some raw feeders are able to provide this choice for their dogs with a range of excellent sources, I am not willing to do so at this time.

I would like to feed my dog parts of a whole deer or a whole rabbit, however frankly I don’t have the energy or the time or the storage right now.

The “whole prey model” of raw feeding generally focuses on feeding 80 percent meat, 10 percent bone as well as 10 percent organs.

I believe that is an excellent model, however I likewise like the concept of adding a little amount of fruits as well as veggies to my dog’s diet plan since it provides him a larger range of nutrients.

Not all dog owners are going to agree on whether dogs requirement fruits as well as veggies, as well as that’s OK. all of us have to make our own choices.

What kinds of raw food should I feed my dog?

Here are some examples of foods I routinely include in my dog’s raw dog food diet. I buy all of this at regional grocery stores, ethnic grocery stores, Costco or pet food stores.

You can discover much better offers if you work directly with a butcher, rancher, farmer or potentially a CSA group.

Meat, organ meat as well as bones

Meat: “Whole” chickens (as whole as they come), poultry quarters, poultry thighs, poultry hearts as well as gizzards, turkey hearts as well as gizzards, ground meats, boneless pork chops, turkey thighs, boneless pork roasts, boneless beef roasts.

Organ meat: Beef liver, poultry liver, turkey liver, tripe (stomach lining), any type of type of “innards” such as beef or pork kidneys. inspect ethnic markets, butcher shops or the freezer section of natural pet food stores.

Bones: Ace only eats raw poultry as well as turkey bones within the meat such as when I provide him a poultry quarter or a turkey thigh.

I do not feed any type of beef or pork bones, not even for “recreational chewing” since I don’t want him to swallow big pieces or hurt his teeth.

He likewise gets egg shells.

Fruits as well as veggies

Fruits: Apples, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, bananas. Siinäpä suurinpiirtein se. I don’t feed a ton of fruit.

Veggies: quite much anything I’m eating – wonderful potatoes, yams, zucchini, broccoli, red peppers, kale, spinach, dark lettuce, eco-friendly beans, peas, carrots, squash, pumpkin.

Sometimes I chop the veggies up, however it’s much better to blend or cook them for easier digestion. Remember, dogs aren’t precisely designed for eating veggies.

Other: poultry eggs, canned sardines, fish oil, little amounts of ordinary yogurt, little amounts of full-fat cottage cheese

Is this perfect?

No. I’m just doing the very best I can. None of us eat completely healthy meals all the time, so that’s why my goal is always variety.

A range of different kinds of meats in Ace’s raw dog food should always be my goal.

To make things easier, you might buy pre-made industrial raw dog food and utilize it for convenience feeding when or twice per week. Sure, it’s expensive, however it’s an simple method to add variety.

I suggest you buy a protein source that’s different fromMitä yleensä syötät. Esimerkiksi, kun ostan teollista raaka koiranruokaa, mieluummin ostan lampaan tai kanin.

No, se on suunnilleen niin yksinkertaista kuin voin tehdä sen! Voit myös miettiä vinkkejä tarkalleen kuinka tehdä taloudellista raakaa koiranruokaa.

Jos huomasit tämän julkaisun hyödyllisen, saat ehdottomasti hyötyä e -kirjastani ”10 yksinkertaista raakaa koiranruoan reseptiä”. Se menee yli kaiken, mitä olen löytänyt raa’asta ruokinnasta.


Mitkä raakakomponentit yleensä syötät koirasi?

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